Online Resources List on Peace & Development
The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a disaggregated data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED collects information on the dates, actors, locations, fatalities, and types of all reported political violence and protest events around the world. The ACLED team conducts analysis to describe, explore, and test conflict scenarios, and makes both data and analysis open for free use by the public.
IEP Global Peace Index
Produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) since 2007, the GPI is the world’s leading measure of global peacefulness. The report presents the most comprehensive data-driven analysis to-date on trends in peace, its economic value, and how to develop peaceful societies.
IEP Positive Peace Index
Positive Peace can be described as creating an optimal environment for human potential to flourish. The index allows for the comparison and tracking of the factors that create flourishing societies.
IEP Ecological Threat Report
The ETR assesses threats relating to food insecurity, water risk, natural disasters, and demographic pressure. The research takes a multi-faceted approach by analysing ecological threats at the national, subnational, and city level, while also assessing the threats against
societal resilience and levels of peace.
IEP Global Terrorism Index
The report provides a comprehensive summary of the key global trends and patterns in terrorism over the last decade.
International Crisis Behavior Project
Data on 455 international crises, 35 protracted conflicts, and 1000 crisis actors from 1918-2019.
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Comprehensive information and analysis on internal displacement in some 50 countries.
PRIO Conflict Recurrence Database
This new dataset expands and deepens our understanding of when, where and under what conditions armed conflicts persist and recur.
Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict
The dataset measures reports of the conflict-related sexual violence committed by armed actors during the years 1989-2021.
SIPRI Databases
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute maintains four databases on arms transfers, military expenditures, peace operations, and the arms industry.
START Data Collections
START maintains 19 data collections covering terrorism, Muslim public opinion, minorities, information sharing and attitudes, predictors of activism and radicalism, partisanship, assigning blame after disasters, ethnicity, and social vulnerability.
The Fund for Peace Fragile States Index & State Resilience Index &
The State Resilience Index (SRI) stands alongside the Fragile States Index (FSI), as a new tool to identify capacities and capabilities in countries under stress. Resilience is the extent to which a country can prepare, manage, and recover from a crisis, relative to the severity of that crisis.
Uppsala Conflict Data Program Datasets
The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) is the world’s main provider of data on organized violence and the oldest ongoing data collection project for civil war, with a history of almost
40 years. Its definition of armed conflict has become the global standard of how conflicts are systematically defined and studied. The Program offers 13 datasets on organized conflict and peacekeeping, including: Peace Agreements, Intrastate Armed Conflict, Non-State Conflict, One-Sided Violence, and Conflict Termination.
Women Peace and Security Index
The WPS Index scores and ranks 177 countries in terms of women’s inclusion, justice, and security. It offers a tool for identifying where resources and accountability are needed most to advance women’s status.
JOURNALS (Available online at Bilkent Library)
Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies ISSN: 2576-5957
British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies ISSN: 1469-3542
Civil Wars ISSN: 1369-8249
Climate and Development ISSN: 1756-5537
Conflict Management and Peace Science ISSN: 1549-9219
Conflict Resolution ISSN: 2328-174X
Conflict Resolution Quarterly ISSN: 1541-1508
Conflict, Security & Development ISSN: 1478-1174
Cooperation and Conflict ISSN: 1460-3691
Critical African Studies ISSN: 2040-7211
Critical Studies on Security ISSN: 2162-4909
Critical Studies on Terrorism ISSN: 1753-9153
Defence and Peace Economics ISSN: 1476-8267
Development in Practice ISSN: 1364-9213
Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict ISSN: 1746-7594
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development ISSN: 1939-9154
Environment, Development and Sustainability ISSN: 1387-585X
Ethnic and Racial Studies ISSN: 1466-4356
Ethnopolitics ISSN: 1744-9065
Gender & Development ISSN: 1364-9221
Gender, Technology and Development ISSN: 0973-0656
Global Change, Peace & Security ISSN: 1478-1166
Global Sustainability ISSN: 2059-4798
International Journal of Middle East Studies ISSN: 1471-6380
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology ISSN: 1745-2627
International Negotiation ISSN: 1571-8069
International Peacekeeping ISSN: 1743-906X
International Security ISSN: 0162-28894
Immigrants & Minorities ISSN: 1744-0521
Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations ISSN: 1469-9311
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies ISSN: 1469-9451
Journal of Conflict Resolution ISSN: 0022-0027
Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies ISSN: 1556-2956
Journal of International Relations and Development ISSN: 1581-1980
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding ISSN: 1750-2985
Journal of North African Studies ISSN: 1743-9345
Journal of Peace Education ISSN: 1740-021X
Journal of Peace Research ISSN: 1460-3578
Journal of Strategic Studies ISSN: 0140-2390
Middle East Critique ISSN: 1943-6149
Middle East Quarterly ISSN: 2767-049X
Middle Eastern Studies ISSN: 1743-7881
Oxford Development Studies ISSN: 1469-9966
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology ISSN: 1532-7949
Peacebuilding ISSN: 2164-7267
Peace Review ISSN: 1040-2659
Patterns of Prejudice ISSN: 1461-7331
Politics, Religion & Ideology ISSN: 2156-7697
Religion, State and Society ISSN: 1465-3974
Small Wars & Insurgencies ISSN: 1743-9558
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism ISSN: 1521-0731
Sustainable Development ISSN: 1099-1719
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy ISSN: 1548-7733
The International Journal of Transitional Justice ISSN: 1752-7724
The Journal of the Middle East and Africa ISSN: 2152-0852
The Review of Faith & International Affairs ISSN: 1931-7743
Arab Reform Initiative
Arab Reform Initiative is the leading independent Arab think tank working with expert partners in the Middle East and North Africa and beyond to articulate a home-grown agenda for democratic change. It conducts research and policy analysis and provides a platform for inspirational voices based on the principles of diversity, impartiality, gender equality and social justice.
Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies educates future leaders who can meet the Middle East’s environmental challenges with innovative peace-building solutions and ensure a sustainable future for the region. With on-the-ground projects, cutting-edge research, and a university-accredited academic program, the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies works to protect fragile shared environmental resources, eliminate conflict over these scarce natural resources and serve as a model for constructive peacemaking for wider areas of conflict.
ICCT – International Centre for Counter-Terrorism
The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) is an independent think and do tank providing multidisciplinary policy advice and practical, solution-oriented implementation support on prevention and the rule of law, two vital pillars of effective counter-terrorism. ICCT’s work focuses on themes at the intersection of countering violent extremism and criminal justice sector responses, as well as human rights related aspects of counter-terrorism. The major project areas concern countering violent extremism, rule of law, foreign fighters, country and regional analysis, rehabilitation, civil society engagement and victims’ voices.
Inclusive Peace
Inclusive Peace is a think-and-do tank supporting civilian-led peace processes. IP conducts comparative research and draw on this knowledge to accompany civilian and national actors on their journeys to build peace in some of the world’s most complex conflicts.
Institute for Economics & Peace
IEP is an internationally renowned think tank, featuring expertise in peace, conflict and risk with a global mission, influence and impact.
Interpeace – International Organization for Peacebuilding
Interpeace is an international organization for peacebuilding that supports locally led initiatives around the world. In terpeace tailors its approach to each society and ensures that the work is locally owned and driven. Together with local partners and local teams, Interpeace jointly develops peacebuilding programmes and helps establish processes of change that connect local communities, civil society, government and the international community. Interpeace works in more than 22 countries in Africa and the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America.6
MITVIM – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies
MITVIM is an independent think tank that envisions a fresh start for Israel among the nations. It aims to advance a peace-oriented and multilateral foreign policy paradigm; promote Israeli-Arab peace; engage in policy dialogue with Arab and Muslim think-tanks; and identify, create and maximize opportunities for peace.
PJSA – Peace & Justice Studies Association
PJSA serves as a professional association for scholars in the field of peace and conflict studies. It is dedicated to bringing together academics, educators, and activists to explore alternatives to violence and share visions and strategies for peacebuilding, social justice, and social change.
PRIO – The Peace Research Institute Oslo
PRIO is a world-leading peace research organization, conducting cutting-edge research on the conditions for peaceful relations between states, groups and people.
PRIO Cyprus Centre
Since its inception in 2005, the PRIO Cyprus Centre (PCC) has functioned as an independent, bi-communal research centre. The Centre is committed to research and dialogue. Its aim is to contribute to an informed public debate on key issues relevant to an eventual settlement of the Cyprus problem.
The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy
TIMEP is dedicated to centering localized perspectives in the policy discourse to foster accountable, transparent, and just societies in the Middle East and North Africa.
UNITAR – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research
UNITAR provides innovative learning solutions to individuals, organizations and institutions to enhance global decision-making and support country-level action for shaping a better future.
UNITAR’s 60 years of impact has transformed lives for the better, fostering peace and advancing sustainable development.
USIP – United States Institute of Peace
USIP is a national, nonpartisan, independent institute, founded by Congress and dedicated to the proposition that a world without violent conflict is possible, practical and essential for U.S. and global security. In conflict zones abroad, the Institute works with local partners to prevent, mitigate, and resolve violent conflict. To reduce future crises and the need for costly interventions, USIP works with governments and civil societies to build local capacities to manage conflict peacefully.
Alliance for Peacebuilding
The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) is a nonpartisan network of 200+ organizations working in 181 countries to end conflict, reduce violence, and build sustainable peace. Our members include some of the world’s largest development organizations, most innovative academic institutions, and most influential humanitarian and faith-based groups.
ALLMEP – Alliance for Middle East Peace
ALLMEP is a coalition of over 160+ organizations —and tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis— building people-to-people cooperation, coexistence, equality, shared society, mutual understanding, and peace among their communities.
Beyond Intractability
Beyond Intractability (BI) and CR Info were both created by the Conflict Information Consortium (CIC) which was housed at the University of Colorado-Boulder from January 1988-May 2020. The Consortium Co-Directors, Heidi Burgess, Ph.D. and Guy Burgess, Ph.D. retired from UCB in May of 2020, are now running the CIC as a free-standing organization.
Blue Peace Middle East
Blue Peace Middle East is a non-governmental regional initiative that aims to strengthen cooperation over water across borders, sectors and generations. Blue Peace ME is the first initiative of its kind in the Middle East. As a regionally owned dialogue platform, it has made it its mission to transform water from a potential source of conflict into an instrument for cooperation and peace. With partners in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Türkiye, the initiative uses dialogue, capacity building and concrete action to realize its vision of using the power of water to build a peaceful future for the region.
CEP – Counter Extremism Project
CEP builds a more moderate and secure society by educating the public, policymakers, the private sector, and civil society actors about the threat of extremism. CEP also formulates programs to sever the financial, recruitment, and material support networks of extremist groups and their leaders. CEP deploys education, advocacy, and communication tools to inform the public, media, academia, business leaders, and policymakers about the dangers posed by extremist ideologies and movements as well as their recruitment and operational tactics. CEP also provides support to counter-extremism, prevention, deradicalization, and rehabilitation/reintegration programs around the world.
CIVIC – Center for Civilians in Conflict
CIVIC is an international organization dedicated to promoting the protection of civilians caught in conflict. CIVIC’s mission is to work with armed actors and civilians in conflict to develop and implement solutions to prevent, mitigate, and respond to civilian harm. Our vision is a world where parties to armed conflict recognize the dignity and rights of civilians, prevent civilian harm, protect civilians caught in conflict, and amend harm.
Cyprus Forum
Cyprus Forum is an independent, non-profit and ambitious conference, taking place in Cyprus, in association with Delphi Economic Forum. Its vision is that each year, the Cyprus Forum will focus on topical policy areas, all of which are pillars inextricably linked to society as a whole, and where there is a recognized need for more creative thinking. The pillars are the following: Economy & Entrepreneurship, Foreign Policy, Energy & Environment, Justice & Human Rights pillars.
Diplomeds – The Council for Mediterranean Diplomacy
Diplomeds is a policy group working to improve relations between countries in the Mediterranean, promote regional cooperation, increase inclusivity, resolve conflicts, and advance peace. It maps and monitors relevant diplomatic issues, and develops knowledge-based strategies that correlate with policy goals and institutional capacity. Besides, Diplomeds convenes and facilitates policy dialogues and back-channel talks, and offers consultancy, problem-solving and policy formulation services to governments, regional and multilateral institutions, and NGOs.
EcoPeace Middle East
EcoPeace Middle East is a unique organization that brings together Jordanian, Palestinian, and Israeli environmentalists. Its primary objective is the promotion of cooperative efforts to protect our shared environmental heritage. In so doing, it seeks to advance both sustainable regional development and the creation of necessary conditions for lasting peace in the region. EcoPeace is a project oriented NGO, using both a “top-down” (advocacy) approach coupled with a “bottom-up” (grass roots / community) strategy that has proven to be a very effective model.
EPLO – The European Peacebuilding Liaison Office
EPLO is the independent civil society platform of European NGOs, NGO networks, and think tanks which are committed to peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflict. EPLO’s mission is to influence the EU to be more active and more effective at promoting peace and preventing violent conflict throughout the world.
EuroMed Feminist Initiative
EuroMed Feminist Initiative is a policy platform that provides expertise in the field of equality and women’s rights as inseparable from democracy building and citizenship, and advocates for political solutions to all conflicts, and for the right of peoples to self determination. EuroMed Feminist Initiative seeks to improve and promote women’s rights as universal human rights, the value of equality and the use of non-violent means to solve conflicts. The platform stresses the especially vulnerable position of migrant women.
HD – The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) is a pioneer of discreet, impartial and independent conflict mediation. As we mark our 25th year, HD is active in most of the world’s conflicts with peacemaking projects across Africa, the Middle East, Eurasia and Asia. Working beyond the limits of traditional diplomacy, HD strives for comprehensive peace agreements that reduce the human suffering caused by war and create the conditions for stability and development.
Hedayah – The International Center of Excellence For Countering Extremism and
Violent Extremism
Hedayah is the premier international organization dedicated to building a world without extremism and violent extremism. It seeks to prevent and counter violent extremism through evidence-based and innovative programs, strategic communications and world-class research. As a global leader within the countering violent extremism community, Hedayah effectively builds the capacity of communities and governments to promote tolerance, stability and security.
Home for Cooperation
The Home for Cooperation was established by the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research. Officially opened in 2011, it is a unique community centre located in the middle of the dividing lines in Cyprus, in the Ledra Palace area, UN Buffer Zone, Nicosia. It has become a landmark building, acting as a bridge-builder between separated communities, memories and visions through its physical presence and its peacebuilding programs benefiting from the transformative power of arts and culture. The Home for Cooperation provides working spaces and opportunities for NGOs and individuals to design and implement innovative projects.
HPN – Humanitarian Practice Network
HPN provides an independent forum for policy-makers, practitioners and others working in the humanitarian sector to share and disseminate information, analysis and experience, and to learn from it. Through the publication of its specialized resources – Humanitarian Exchange magazine, Network Papers and Good Practice Reviews (GPRs) – HPN aims to improve the performance of humanitarian action by encouraging and facilitating knowledge sharing and contributing to individual and institutional learning.
Mediators Beyond Borders International
Mediators Beyond Borders International advances peace through mediation, builds capacity (by local invitation), and provides consultancy services with the aim of building a more peace- “able” world.
MEET – Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow
MEET is an innovative program that brings together young Palestinian and Israeli leaders through the common language of technology and entrepreneurship. Working in partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) since 2004, MEET’s goal is to educate and empower the next generation of Israeli and Palestinian leaders to take action towards creating positive social and political change in the Middle East.
MENA Rights Group
MENA Rights Group is a Geneva-based legal advocacy NGO defending and promoting fundamental rights and freedoms in the MENA region. It represents victims of human rights violations before international law mechanisms. In order to ensure the non-repetition of these violations, MENA Rights Group identifies patterns and root causes of violations on the ground and brings key issues to the attention of relevant stakeholders to call for legal and policy reform.
MWMN – Mediterranean Women Mediators Network
The Mediterranean Women Mediators Network aims at fulfilling the need to increase the number of women involved in peacemaking efforts and at facilitating the appointment of high- level women mediators at local and international level. In this regard, it is a catalyst for mediation efforts in ongoing and potential crises and post-conflict stabilization processes.
Next Wave – The International Center for Children and Global Security
Next Wave is the world’s first organization dedicated to addressing the involvement of children with terrorism and extremism. Through innovation, strategic advisory, targeted programs, and cutting-edge research, it seeks to disrupt the recruitment and radicalization pipeline and secure a future where children are not the architects of the next wave of violence.
Paris Peace Forum
The Paris Peace Forum is a platform open to all seeking to develop coordination, rules, capacities and political momentum. Year-round support activities and an annual event in November help better organize our planet by convening the world, boosting projects, and incubating multi-actor initiatives.
PAX Protection of Civilians
The Protection of Civilians (PoC) program is part of PAX, a Netherlands-based peace organization that works in conflict areas around the world. The overall goal of PoC team’s work is to increase the effectiveness of protection interventions and to improve human security for civilians living in conflict. PoC does this by working with civilians to hold local and international security actors to account, and by enabling those who provide protection to design and implement strategies that are centered around civilians’ needs and priorities.
Peace Direct
Peace Direct is an international NGO which supports local people in some of the most challenging conflict environments worldwide. It publishes Peace Insight, providing information on local peace-building organisations in areas of conflict, advocating international development that prioritises the views and leadership of people and organisations in the countries affected, over those of outsiders from the international community.
PeaceRep – Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform
PeaceRep is a research consortium focused on rethinking peace and transition processes in a changing conflict landscape. As a leading developer of PeaceTech and peace data, its innovative datasets, tools, and visualisations support adaptive management of peace/transition processes.
ROPES – The Regional Organization for Peace, Economics & Security
More than three years before the Abraham Accords, ROPES was created to expand the coalition for a conflict-ending Israeli-Palestinian peace deal by connecting forward-thinking Israeli and Palestinian emerging leaders with like-minded peers from across the Arab world. As the only Arab-Israeli people-to-people organization that has been working with emerging leaders in the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and several other Arab states, ROPES is uniquely positioned to help this unprecedented political moment produce the first models of a warm Arab-Israeli peace.
Seeds of Peace
Seeds of Peace equips exceptional youth and educators with the skills and relationships to work in solidarity across lines of difference to create more just and inclusive societies. Its network encompasses over 7,300 alumni throughout the Middle East, South Asia, Europe, and the USA who are uniquely positioned to lead change.
Tech2Peace brings together young Israelis and Palestinians for intensive seminars which focus both on peacemaking and tech training.
WILPF Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
For more than five decades, WILPF has been standing firm beside women from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region who are working to define, defend and develop a space for the advancement of peace, equality, justice and demilitarized security. Its work in the region deepened significantly in 2011, as women assumed a pivotal role in advocating for peace and calling for social and political justice in the midst of unprecedented uprisings and political instability. Since then, WILPF has been focusing on bringing together women’s rights activists and organizations from across the region and the political spectrum to advance vibrant feminist movements and contribute to a future of sustainable peace.
WWP – Women Wage Peace
Founded in the aftermath of the 50-day Gaza War/Operation Protective Edge of 2014, WWP has grown to 45,000 Israeli members, the largest grassroots peace movement in Israel today. WWP enables women to unite and take the future of this small place into our own hands –from the political left, center and right, younger and older women, those from the center of the country and its periphery, religious and secular, Jewish, Arab, Druze and Bedouin.